The story behind chopsticks
Today we will talk about one of the most iconic items of Asia: chopsticks.
Why do countries like Japan, China, Thailand, and more use chopsticks to eat?
It is also pretty difficult, especially if you are used to enjoy your meals with a spoon, fork, and knife.
Nowadays the use of chopsticks is a bit more spread, thanks to the presence of a lot of Asian-style restaurants all over the world.
But remember that if on one side, at a Chinese restaurant that you might find in Europe you can still ask for a fork and knife, if you are in China you have to use chopsticks, and make a fool of yourself in front of everybody while learning how to use them. It’s part of the process, trust me. 馃榾
When I first came to China they told me that there was an international canteen in my dorm, and I thought that being “international” they would have had some western food and, of course, forks. Well, I was completely wrong馃檲, the only reason why it is called international is that is part of the dorm for international students, nothing more.
Let’s go back to our chopsticks, which have a long history. The first ones that have been found are from the Shang dynasty (1600-1046 BC).
As with any ancient item or tradition, there are different legends regarding how people started using them. In this case, the most popular are just two.
Legend 1
We are during the Shang dynasty, with Zhowang on the throne. Zhowang wasn’t exactly a friendly king and he used to send to death any cook who would serve him too hot or too cold food.
During one of the royal meals, the cook was about to serve him a dish that was way too hot, and, so, sign his death sentence. For unknown reasons the cook got lucky as Daji, the king’s concubine decided to help him. Daji personally feeds the king using her jade pins. The king likes this action so much that he decides to do use these tools during every meal from now on.
Legend 2
We go back in time to 2100 bc when Yao and Shun were emperors.
Everything starts with heavy rain and inundations all around the continent. The damage was insane, and to try to solve the problem, the emperors ask help from DaYu, who is now in charge to control water. DaYu is on his journey when he stops on an island and starts cooking some meat. He cooks the meat in some water and then he realizes that it was too hot, and he wouldn’t be able to take the meat out without burning his hands. DaYu doesn’t give up and he finds a solution: he goes to a tree that was close to him and breaks two branches from it, so he could use them to eat. Since that day he always used chopsticks to eat, until it spread all over the continent.
These two legends are different and not historically confirmed. For sure we know that chopsticks come from ancient times and, as we can see reading these two stories, are linked to the food heat.
Now let me help you with etiquette rules in case you will need to use them:
- Never stab your food with your chopsticks, it is better to use your hands instead
- Do not point at people with them, they are considered as an extension of your fingers
- Do not use them as drum sticks, this behavior is associated with mendicants
- Do not put them up on your plate, it reminds incense, which is used to celebrate the dead
- Do not bite or lick your chopsticks
- Do not leave them on your plate after finishing your meal
- Do not pass food from chopsticks to chopsticks, you can just pass the dish to the other person
- Do not fight for food, be patient and wait for your turn
Don’t be scared, even if at the beginning you’ll find it hard to use them, it will get better and better with practice. But remember, even if you think you can master it, as soon as a person that has been using chopsticks for his entire life will look at you, your food is going to fall and create an awkward moment…good luck! 馃槣
Im guilty of all this chop stick crimes 馃槄 I wish I read this article before.